Audiovisual creative agency

Celebration of our fifth anniversary 🎂

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Ayhe, the communication agency and film production company in Tarragona, is 5 years old 🧡🥳

The communication agency and film production company -Ayhe- celebrated yesterday our first 5 years of life. Conde de Ríos street number 2 was dressed up for the occasion. Among the attendees, Sandra Ramos -Second Deputy Mayor and Councilor of Culture and Festivities- presided over the event.

A special episode of “En Calces” opened the celebration and then the Ayhe team took charge of explaining the projects we have in hand and those to come. Letting us see that cinema is growing exponentially from Tarragona.

Sandra Ramos stressed the City Council’s commitment to young talent and its willingness to continue supporting unique projects like this one, a film production company from Tarragona.

David Aymerich, founder of Ayhe, thanked the companies that have been with us from the beginning for their trust and positioned Ayhe as a communication reference in the territory.

At the celebration we were accompanied by representatives of the business community of the Camp de Tarragona and Barcelona, institutions and government representatives, who valued very positively the trajectory and future challenges. With this milestone, Ayhe reaffirms its commitment to communication from Tarragona to the world.

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Communication Plan for the ViaT 📈